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Theology in the Raw and Q Podcasts

Carl Ruby

Wow, it's been way too long since I've taken time to post. I'm trying to develop a healthier lifestyle and that has involved time on the treadmill. An unexpected benefit has been the discovery of some great podcasts. My two favorites are Theology in the Raw by Preston Sprinkle and Q Podcasts with Gabe Lyons.

Every time I listen to them I think,"That's how I want Central to do church." I was recently talking with some friends at church about some of the tensions that we experience between genuinely loving our gay friends and trying to honor the sexual ethic taught in New Testament. No other area that I'm aware of creates the same level of dissonance between people like loving like Jesus loved them, and submitting to the teachings of scripture.

The following Q Podcast actually features a conversations between Preston and Gabe on this very topic. This is the first of a six-part series.  Subscribe to Q Podcasts and listen to all six.


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