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Church for Unchurchy People

Carl Ruby

First off, nothing against churchy people. I am one. I grew up in the church, have always attended church, love church, got college degrees from church-based universities, and, trumping everything else, I’m the pastor of a church. But I’ve always been drawn to the unchurched.

Unchurchy people aren’t all alike. Some have been burned by the church or by church people. Churches and church people can be downright mean sometimes.

But that isn’t Jesus. 

Some have major doubts about some of the things that many Christians claim to be true. They are afraid that the church will look down upon them for being honest about their doubts. 

But that isn’t Jesus.

Some have drifted away and are afraid to come back. Church used to be a major part of their lives, but for one reason or another, they just dropped it. Maybe they feel that they can pursue faith on their own and that they won’t be welcomed back.

But that isn’t Jesus.

Some feel that the church will judge them because they drink too much, swear too often, have too many tattoos, don’t make enough money, receive public assistance, have a mental illness, or love the wrong people. They feel the stiff arms of the church saying keep your distance.

But that isn’t Jesus.

There’s nothing I want more as a pastor than to be a church for unchurchy people who feel like they wouldn’t fit anywhere else. Because that is our goal, we seek to be intentionally different in a number of ways that make unchurchy people feel welcomed and valued. I’m busy preparing for a sermon series starting on September 1 called “It’s Different Here” that will explore ten areas where we do church differently for you or your beautiful unchurchy friends. I hope you come and feel deeply loved. 

That’s Jesus.

Come worship in person at 10:30 am on September 1st, or check us out online. If you’d like to sit down over a cup of coffee or a cold beer with our pastor to talk about where you are with church or Jesus, just email him at carl.ruby@ccspringfield.org. He’d love to connect.

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